Thursday, December 24, 2009

A War is Waging Right Now.

I'm not talking a about Iraq or Afghanistan, but rather, one that's happening right here in the US: the war on publishing.

Twenty-five years ago, authors had two choices. They could either query a traditional publisher or break down and publish with a vanity press. With the advent of self-publishing, all that has changed. Unfortunately, the industry hasn't kept up with defining the terms of various options available today. The industry still wants to take any publishing company that is not traditional and cram it into the category of vanity publishing.

The time has come to rise up and take a firm stand against this unfair action.
Some publishers have progressed to call themselves independent presses or hybrid publishers, but they still don't fall neatly into the two, already established categories of traditional vs. vanity publishing.

I propose we introduce a third category: alternative publishing. All of the other publishing models will have a name to fall under. There will be three types of publishing available today--traditional, vanity, and alternative.

As an alternative publisher, we are able to offer a new platform to our authors who deserve better choices than the confining (and often unobtainable) limits
of traditional publishers or the fraudulent schemes of vanity publishing.

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