Monday, April 6, 2009


Usually, my workday begins about 9 a.m. – sometimes earlier, sometimes later. That’s one of the things I like best about being my own boss. First, I check all of my e-mail and sort through what needs to be answered right away and what can be saved. I check the date for any deadlines that I have given to my clients or colleagues. If someone was supposed to get back to me (with revisions, payments, completed e-mail forms, etc.) and hasn’t, I follow up with a phone call and/or e-mail. Then I make any other phone calls that are necessary before beginning my work.

I’m usually writing or editing until about 1 p.m. From approximately 1:00 to 2:00, I’m busy with lunch, errands, exercise, or meditation. At about 2:00, I’ll answer saved e-mail, any new e-mail, and return phone calls. Then it’s back to writing/editing until about 4:30.

After making dinner and connecting with my family, I’ll be cleaning up, taking a walk (if I hadn’t gotten any fresh air that day), and talking on the phone to friends or family. I also try to read the newspaper. Between 7 and 8 p.m., I do a final e-mail check or some last minute editing.

As soon as a client requests a job, I create a file and open the account. All notes and information gets tossed into the folder and placed in my “Work In Progress” pile. From there, it moves to “Work Completed,” where I may be waiting for a reply, revisions, or payment. Once it is complete, it is stored and saved on a back-up disk.

I try to keep all of my work in progress prioritized. The folders are lined up, so I can see what needs my attention first. It’s also handy to have them nearby if a client calls, and I need to pull the file while we talk. Being organized definitely helps me get through each workday day with ease.

1 comment:

Gladys Hobson said...

It must be great to be an organised person! My routine went out of the window the day my hubby retired! I have to say though, my 'routine' consisted of doing all things necessary first and then work until I realised I hadn't had a break for a drink or a meal. But I got results.
Writing was not my main occupation then. When I turned to full time writing, I would be up in the early hours — no distractions. Oh for the inspiration to write another novel and be writing it at all hours!