Thursday, May 27, 2010

Patriot Ledger Window Dressing Column Feature

authors offer advice on spotting unscrupulous
book publishers and dishonest financial
advisers. Abington author and editor Donna
J. Erickson has written “No-Hassle Publishing:
An Author’s Guide to Today’s Changing
Industry” (2010, A Flair For Writing, 29
pages, $9.95 from Amazon and Aflairforwriting.
com). Certified financial planner Bonnie
Kirchner of Marion has penned “Who Can
You Trust With Your Money?” (2010, FT
Press, 224 pages, $19.99 from Amazon,
Borders and Barnes & Noble.) Hint: it’s not
her ex-husband Brad Bleidt, the Boston
Ponzi schemer who is currently serving an
11-year prison sentence for stealing $30 million
from his investment clients.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cover Letter

Donna J. Erickson
77 Linda Street
Abington, MA 02351

May 18, 2010

Dear Hiring Professional:

I believe that my background and skills correspond to the qualifications you are seeking for the editing position. I possess more than 20 years of professional writing/editing experience and have been the owner of A Flair For Writing ( since 1989. I am known for top quality work, personalized service, and fast turnaround at reasonable rates.

Most recently, I have been listed in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2010 and Who’s Who in America, 2010. Highlights of my accomplishments include:

• As a former contracted Senior Editor/Copartner for a small press, I have edited five published books, which are available on-line.
• During 2010, I authored and published, No-Hassle Publishing: An Author’s Guide to Today’s Changing Industry, founded a new self-publishing company based on sound business ethics, and edited several other published books.
• I have been interviewed on four radio shows (including the nationally syndicated program, Dresser After Dark) in regard to my writing/editing/publishing experience.
• I am co-founder and board member for the South Shore Ad Club and have worked as Marketing Coordinator in charge of creative services.
• As a former staff writer for The South Shore Baby Journal, I wrote numerous articles on a variety of parent/child-related issues and was presented with an Award for Excellence.

For more than two decades, I have done it all—from creating compelling copy for print ads, brochures, press releases, and sales letters, and writing personal statements for graduate students (one was selected for publication in a Spark Notes Study Guide, a division of Barnes & Noble) to developing effective web content and editing full-length fiction and non-fiction books. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated my ability to work well independently and to satisfy client needs. Most importantly, I am a caring, compassionate, patient person who wants to please my clients and has the expertise to do so. I have successfully mentored and managed a group of freelancers as Senior Editor for AG Press, as Managing Editor of my self-publishing division, and as Marketing Chairperson for the South Shore Ad Club. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.


Donna J. Erickson
Owner, A Flair For Writing

Monday, May 17, 2010

Getting Major Promotion

Yipee! I am Special Feature ("No-Hassle Publishing: An Author's Guide to Today's Changing Industry")for the high-traffic premium promotional services site, with many 5-Star Amazon Reviews. If Amazon is out of stock, you may order from my website,

No-Hassle Publishing: An Author’s Guide to Today’s Changing Industry. A must-have guide for the novice writer, which contains a wealth of information not found elsewhere. Authors will learn everything about publishing--from choosing a publisher, signing contracts, and purchasing an ISBN, to insider advice on what to avoid. Price: $9.95 plus tax & shipping

For the small price of this booklet, you will save money in the long run by eliminating hours and hours of research and preventing costly mistakes. To order, e-mail or visit

Here's what one reader had to say:

I was totally thrilled to read Donna's book, No Hassle Publishing. Finally, someone has written a clear and concise document on the state of the publishing industry and the options authors can now choose from. Donna outlines the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing and lists all types of self-publishing companies that exist and how they are different. She talks about many specifics that authors need to know, such as how to use ISBN bar codes and what items to look for in a good contract. The book is an excellent overview for perspective authors, which will help them quickly decide the best publishing path to take. As an author and book coach, I will be sending all my clients to her website to read this book for up-to-date and valuable information about the publishing field. I am also delighted to see that Donna's company is now offering self-publishing services as well, as she is certainly an expert on how to do it right. Thank you for this fabulous resource.

Gail McMeekin, LICSW
Executive/career/creativity/life choices coach and expert; Author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women; The Power of Positive Choices; Boost Your Creativity, Productivity, and Profits in 21 Steps; The Path to Creative Success, and our newest project: Creativity Courage Cards. All are available at, as well as my Creative Success newsletters.