Sunday, November 22, 2009

Three Testimonials For "No- Hassle Publishing"

“I read, ‘No Hassle Publishing’ and found it helpful. It was useful to read something straightforward and honest. I plan to use it as part of a guide I am building for myself.”
-Geremy Howard
Katy, Texas
Enlightening and extremely useful for all new authors.
- Veronica Dauber (aka Sarah Bradley), Toronto, Canada
Author of Mudslide,, September 14, 2009
I was totally thrilled to read Donna's book, No Hassle Publishing. Finally, someone has written a clear and concise document on the state of the publishing industry and the options authors can now choose from. Donna outlines the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing and lists all types of self-publishing companies that exist and how they are different. She talks about many specifics that authors need to know, such as how to use ISBN bar codes and what items to look for in a good contract. The book is an excellent overview for perspective authors, which will help them quickly decide the best publishing path to take. As an author and book coach, I will be sending all my clients to her website to read this book for up-to-date and valuable information about the publishing field. I am also delighted to see that Donna's company is now offering self-publishing services as well, as she is certainly an expert on how to do it right. Thank you for this fabulous resource.

Gail McMeekin, LICSW
Executive/career/creativity/life choices coach and expert; Author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women; The Power of Positive Choices; Boost Your Creativity, Productivity, and Profits in 21 Steps; The Path to Creative Success, and our newest project: Creativity Courage Cards. All are available at, as well as my Creative Success newsletters.